Inspectors of the National Park "Land of the Leopard" save the forest from fires.

Inspectors of the National Park

Do not allow to spread fire and are laid almost in extreme conditions. In the Khasansky district, inspectors of the National Park "Land of the Leopard" went to the deep taiga to protect the forest from fires. Now there is a high alert regime in the province.
It spreads quickly, destroys everything in its path. Autumn forest is literally in danger now. Fires have already been recorded in six municipalities of the province and two urban districts. Special equipment and people are thrown at them. They fight with flame both on the ground and from the air.
Georgy Likhachev, deputy director of the Forestry Land Management State Forestry Service: "We are trying to work on-line during this period. We have groups on the most dangerous sites, that is, people are in real time and are monitoring the situation. "
Inspectors of the National Park "Land of the Leopard" know for sure that a fire can be prevented, and therefore a month the specialists from the morning until late in the evening spend in the remote taiga, where you can get only on special equipment.

