19 million rubles were allocated for recultivation of the Gornostay dump

19 million rubles were allocated for  recultivation of the Gornostay dump

Ecologists and builders came back to the biggest dump in Vladivostok. Every day it consumes 400 tonnes of waste. The Administration of Primorsky Krai planes to close the dump. A lot of attention is being paid to the amount of sewage going into the Ussuriisk bay.


Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia: “We have to clean territories all over the country and to liquidate dumps”.

The President’s call has been heard in Primorye. Moreover, 2017 is the year of ecology in Russia. The big dump near Desantnaya bay is going to be liquidated soon. This is another stage of realisation of Primorye’s state program “Saving the environment”.


Sergey Konopkin, the head engineer of “Primkraistroy”: “We decided to go back to the dumps because the cleaning systems were not that effective. There was a lot of sewage. We have to deal with it”.


But for doing it, you have to dig 8 meters of waste and litter. It has been rotting under the ground for 5 years.

Unfortunately, there are no recycling plants in the Far East.

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
