State programs about collection and recycling garbage are very popular in Primorye

State programs about collection and recycling garbage are very popular in Primorye

Recently a large number of events have been held in the Primorsky Territory within the framework of the Year of Ecology and Protection of Specially Protected Areas. One of the main directions of these activities is the implementation of programs for garbage collection and waste disposal.

Main events of 2017 Year of Ecology firstly include the actions of municipal and state authorities in the fight against rubbish. First of all, the fight against unauthorized landfills, the implementation of pilot innovative projects, the transition to a new system for handling solid municipal waste.

In early April, the governor of Primorye said that in March the budgets of the municipal formations of the region were allocated targeted subsidies for the reconstruction, modernization and overhaul of the water utility.

The irreparability of control by state authorities and the responsibility of violators of environmental safety standards is the main guarantee not only for the successful implementation of the Year of Ecology in Primorye, but also for a stable environmental situation in the entire territory of the region.

