Almost 2000 vaccinated a day: what is the ideal number of collective immunity for Primorye

Almost 2000 vaccinated a day: what is the ideal number of collective immunity for Primorye

The citizens who fell ill with coronavirus during the New Year holidays did not go to doctors, so in the coming days the statistics of new registered cases will go up again. But, at the same time, the residents of the region started to get vaccinated again. 

Primorsky Krai is approaching the coveted one million vaccinated people. Every day in the region about two thousand people are vaccinated on average, but sometimes the number goes up to three thousand a day! As of January 12 at 6 p.m., the numbers are as follows: 772,394 people have fully completed the vaccinations. Another 143,522 people are waiting to be vaccinated with the second component. This means that for a maximum of three weeks, 915,916 people will be protected from the severe effects of covid. 

If the daily vaccination rate in the region is maintained, by the end of May the Primorye should finally achieve collective immunity!

