What is Book Art ? New exposition opens in « Arka » gallery of contemporary art

What is Book Art ? New exposition opens in « Arka » gallery of contemporary art

Handmade books can be seen in the Arka gallery. An exhibition called « Book Art » has been recently opened there. The exhibition is dedicated to samizdat - the legendary phenomenon, thanks to which banned poems and novels were published. With the abolition of censorship, alternative book publishing became a special hobby for many people. 

This exhibition provides an opportunity to compare Siberian and European samizdat. Siberia is a hotbed of alternative publishing. Poets and artists there have long formed creative tandems, and according to the exhibition curator Maria Maximova, their samizdat transports us to Russian soulfulness and poetry. 

With this exhibition, the Arka Gallery closes the year of Germany in Russia. 

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
