Rural sports games will be held in Primorye

Rural sports games will be held in Primorye

Regional sports games among agricultural and social sector workers living in rural areas will now be held in Primorye. The first championship is planned to be held in Kamen-Rybolov village as early as next September. 

Rural sports games have been held for many years in Russian regions for social development of villages, improvement of public health, popularization of physical culture and mass sports. Now similar championships will be held in Primorye.

All-Russian championships - winter and summer games - are held every two years. They are attended by workers of the agro-industrial complex and social sphere who live in rural areas. Thus, the anniversary Xth All-Russian winter sports games in which participants from Primorye took part, were held from March 16th to 20th in Perm within the national project "Demography".

