Vladivostok to become the first city with a million citizens of the Far East

Vladivostok to become the first city with a million citizens of the Far East

A new satellite city of Vladivostok for 300 thousand people will be built in the Far East. Together with it and the city of Artem, the capital of Primorye will become the first city with a population of one million people in the region. 

If you combine Vladivostok, that de jure has 600 thousand citizens, with Artem (located 38 km from Vladivostok, about 100 thousand people) and build a new satellite city and attract about 300 thousand people in this agglomeration, the first one million people city in the Far East will appear.

Aleksey Chekunkov, the head of Ministry of the Far East and the Artics: "We are seriously considering a business model for creating such a satellite city, which could also be called Sputnik.  This word, known worldwide as the moment of the highest triumph of Soviet science, is associated with the launch of the first artificial earth satellite in October 1957. In English there is even such an expression: Sputnik moment - this is exactly what we need now".

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
