"Education in Primorsky region: Growth points"

Interview with Oksana Martinenko, the head of Department of Education and Science of Primorsky region.

Topic: Why do we need all-Russian verification tests?

-What are the all-Russian verification tests? Why are they needed?
- The all-Russian verification tests exist for already three years. There is a unified federal educational standard in Russia. This standard determines the level of school education. All-Russian verification tests help us to find out the quality of education provided to schoolchildren.  All-Russian verification tests are the same in all schools all-over Russian Federation and demands to the results of these tests are the same. They allow to see weaknesses in our education and make required improvements in certain schools. 

- Students of which grade participate in these tests? And what subjects are included in the test? 
This year students of 4th, 5th and 11th grades participate in these tests.
The 4th grade students pass Russian language, math and the world around.
The 5th grade students pass Russian language, math, history and biology.
The 11th grade students pass Russian language, math and other chosen subjects.
The results of the all-Russian verification tests can not affect the academic grades and results of final exams of the students. This exam is for the school, not for the students. The results of the tests will help to see the weaknesses in our school education.

- How these tests are being arranged?
- The school itself determines how to conduct all-Russian verification tests. Some schools cancel all classes and arrange only one test a day.  

- Is it possible to prepare for such tests?
- For those who want, there is a web-site where it is possible to download a mock test to try out your knowledge.  

-When the results of the tests will be ready?
- The results will be given in a few days after the test.

新闻来源: http://vestiprim.ru/news/ptrnews/47979-obrazovanie-primorya-tochki-rosta-zachem-nuzhny-vserossiyskie-proverochnye-raboty.html
