A happy ending. Two rare cranes were set into the wild

A happy ending. Two rare cranes were set into the wild

The cranes returned to the sky. The story that our program was telling for six months came to a successful conclusion. Two Japanese Cranes were released back into the wild. The birds were raised and cared for by specialists from the Tiger Center in Alexeevka village. They were equipped with special sensors to monitor their movement and released into the wild when the temperatures turned above zero.

For the first time, Primorye’s ornithologists and the staff of the Tiger Center took two Japanese cranes for rehabilitation and wintering at once.

For the first month after the release, the cranes will be tracked daily. For this purpose, GPS transmitters and number rings were pre-installed on the paws. Then, to save battery, the signal will come every other day. Ornithologists and vets say goodbye to birds as doctors say goodbye to patients. They wish them good luck and to never see them again.

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
