More than 150 youngsters have become participants of the regional stage of "Robofest 2017" in Vladivostok

More than 150 youngsters have become participants of the regional stage of

The fourth robotic festival "Robofest-Vladivostok 2017" has started on 4th of February in the capital of Primorsky region. It was attended by more than 150 boys and girls: 72 teams, which consist of 2-4 persons. This year number of registered participants is much higher than all the previous times. For example, last year 40 teams have been declared for the festival and in 2014 only six teams took part in the competition.  This time more than 2 thousand people came for the festival to cheer for participants.

Youngsters from Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Ussuriisk, Nakhodka, Spassky village, Luchegorsk, Bolshoy Kamen, Fokino and Artem took part in "Robofest 2017".

They all presented their developments and competed in programming and robots creating. Robots that have been created by festival participants can be used in everyday life and in the workplace.

During two days festival organizers will determine the winners. Winners of the regional stage of the festival will participate in the finals of "Robofest-2017" that will be held in Moscow.

