“Rostelekom” together with photographer Aleksandr Khitrov, @go_vl Instagram profile and Angels IT Group launch “Me and Vladivostok 2020” photo competition. In order to participate in the competitions, it is necessary to post a photo of any 3D model of Vladivostok’s sights until July 26th via a special mobile app “Vladivostok 2020”. The publication must be followed by #meandvladivostok2020 hashtag.
3D models of Tokarevsky lighthouse and Zolotoy bridge are available in the app. The competitors can take a picture with the sights or place the objects in unusual places.
The four winners will be chosen by the jury made of Aleksandr Khitrov, the creators of @go_vl Instagram profile and the developers of the “Vladivostok2020” app.