Most part of the residents of Primorye will participate in the new constitution amendments voting

Most part of the residents of Primorye will participate in the new constitution amendments voting

First new voting bulletins have arrived to Vladivostok today. More than one million and a half of bulletins have been printed for the new constitution amendments voting. Despite the pandemic, more than a half of Primorye citizens are ready to participate in the voting and express their point of view. 

59% is a very high level of participation for the region. The sociologists held a special research where it was found out that more than 61% of respondents support the new amendements. 


The voting will be held from June 25th to July 1st in order to avoid huge gatherings. It will be also possible to vote from home this time. 

The government of the region has already bought masks and gloves for every participant. 

