Chinese National Parks and Russian National Park “The Land of the Leopard” have exchanged data on tigers and leopards

Chinese National Parks and Russian National Park “The Land of the Leopard” have exchanged data on tigers and leopards

Meeting of representatives of five Chinese National Parks, Russian National Park “The Land of the Leopard” and Primorsky region Hunting Supervision was held in Vladivostok on October, 11-14. It was conducted with support from the World Wildlife Fund.

According to the information from press-center of Russian National Park “The Land of the Leopard” , specialists of five Chinese National parks (Hunchun, Wangqing, Liaoning, Huanghe and Dongning ) and Wangqing-Lantszya regional forestry have visited  National Park “The Land of the Leopard” in order to exchange data received from camera traps that fixed Amur tigers and Far Eastern leopards in period of 2013-2015 years. Russian experts have already begun to analyze received data.

Now specialists of “The Land of the Leopard” have all the data and it is possible to conduct an overall analysis on populations of these carnivorous animals . Work will be performed by Russian National Park.

Deputy director of Russian National Park “The Land of the Leopard”, Elena Shevtsova says, that this meeting is a long-awaited event. After creation of a joint database together, it will be possible to monitor the situation. Wild animals have no nationalities, and state border does not exist for them. There are the world's only populations of the Far Eastern leopard and Amur tiger on the territory of our countries. And our task is to save these populations. And we can achieve better results if we do it together. 

