Will tourists from central Russia replace Chinese and Korean tourists in Primorye ?

Will tourists from central Russia replace Chinese and Korean tourists in Primorye ?

The public committee of tourism development of Primorye prosed the regional authorities to change air ticket fees for people living in the central part of Russia. They, according to the committee, will be able to travel to Primorye on a budget and may replace the Chinese and Korean tourists. 

The local authorities not long ago before the proposition mentioned that Siberia’s and Far Eastern young people may increase the amount of tourists in the region. 

Primorye citizens are aiming to develop the «week-end» tourism and attract Japanese and Indian guests. 

In 2019 the total number of tourists who have visited Primorye was 941 thousand people. The biggest dynamics was shown by the countries from the Asia-Pacific region. The first place was taken by China, the second by South Korea and the third by Japan. 

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
