Sergey Besschasny, Primorsky region Prosecutor meets with residents of the villages affected by "Layonrok" typhoon.

Sergey Besschasny, Primorsky region Prosecutor meets with residents of the villages affected by

Sergey Besschasny, Primorsky region Prosecutor meets with residents of the villages affected by "Layonrok" typhoon. Without any prior appointment people may ask the head of the Supervisory Authority all their vital questions. Most of the questions are related to compensations and rehabilitation of local infrastructure.


Krounovka village residents had a converstion with the prosecutor of Primorsky region. Recent floods brought lots of questions. One of the most important - the quality of drinking water. At present, it is dangerous to use wells, that is why the Authorities have organized a supply of drinking water.


Olga Koltsova came with a request to rehabilitate the Poltavskaya street. According to the information from Eugeny Korzh, the head of local administration, this is a municipal road, according to the rehabilitation plan it will be restored within this year. Within nearest 10 days the roads will be flattened by grader. We just did not have time earlier, because there are 37 flooded villages and restoration works are needed in all of them. From this week we will fix Krounovka village, its roads’ ditches and drainages.


According to residents, another problem is flooded cultivation beds; this year's potato harvest was completely washed away. But people say that cash compensation should compensate lost harvest. With this money people will be able to buy the food they need.

In general, Sergey Besschasny, prosecutor of Primorsky region positively characterizes the organization of local administration’ work.


After the meeting, Sergey Besschasny inspected all the objects, he heard complaints about, including  destroyed Poltavskya street, all the drainages along the roads and Krounovka village in general. Sergey Besschasny plans to visit other regions of Primorsky territory that were affected by typhoons.

