Representatives of different indigenous people are constructing an open-air National museum in Primorye

Representatives of different indigenous people are constructing an open-air National museum in Primorye

The center of the traditional lifestyle of indigenous people of Primorye was named after water element’s spirit Temu. It is being constructed on Avvakumovka river, not far from Olga village. 

The hut inside is almost ready. It smells of wood and smoke even though the fireplace wasn’t kindled yet. But the fire warmed up a bowl with the traditional dish - deer shurpa. 

Valentin Andreitsev from Pianka clan is cutting vegetables for the dish. He is the head of indigenous people of Primorye association. 

Some guest houses were also constructed in Temu for tourists. A sport place for traditional games will be opened soon. 

A huge celebration is awaited in Temu. In July, a Painters of Primorye association meeting will be held there, as well as a traditional fish festival in September. 

