Poisonous tropical snaked started to appear in Primorye waters

Poisonous tropical snaked started to appear in Primorye waters

A poisonous sea snake was seen by Primorye habitants in Sokolovskogo bay, not far from Preobragenie village. According to scientists, it is a good thing as sea snakes who usually live in tropical waters don’t come to the Sea of Japan very often.

Irina Maslova, Federal scientific center of biodiversity FEBRAS: “They hunt fish and sometimes they can go to northern waters like the Sea of Japan. But they don’t feel comfortable in here. The most part of the snakes that were found by scientists were already dead as they were dying from supercooling. Habitants can be calm. This species is not aggressive at all. Their main goals is to go back to warm waters. They do not attack, only if you will try to catch it of course”.

新闻来源: www.vestiprim.ru
