Primorskstat: there are 1089 women per 1 000 men in the region

Primorskstat: there are 1089 women per 1 000 men in the region

At the beginning of 2018, 915.6 thousand men in Primorsky Region 76% lived in urban areas and 24% lived in rural areas.

The average age of a resident of Primorye is 37 years old, he is 5.1 years younger than the average woman.

The distribution of the male population by main age groups is as follows: at the age of 15, 19% are in working age (16-59) - 65% and 16% are men older than working age.

On the whole, there are 1089 women per 1,000 men.

Primorye men life expectancy for men is 65.3 years (67.5 in Russia), this figure is lower than that of women for more than 10 years.

53% of the labor force are men, their employment rate was 73%.

In all age groups men is higher than women.

The largest gap in the gender ratio is observed at the age of 55-59, when women, taking advantage of the legal right to a pension, complete their work activities. The average age of a employed man is 41.6 years (versus 42.1 years for women). Among employed men, the proportion with higher or secondary vocational education was 52%, which is lower than among women (66%).

Wages are one of the most important components of the cash income of men.

According to a sample survey of wages by occupation and position, men wage is 1.4 times more than women.

