The tourist flow in the land of the leopard national Park has almost doubled. Video Report Of Sergey Stancik

The tourist flow in the land of the leopard national Park has almost doubled. Video Report Of Sergey Stancik

In the footsteps of a wildcat. In the national Park" land of the leopard " almost doubled the tourist flow. To learn about the rare far Eastern predator, as well as to get acquainted with the unique seaside nature, come not only our compatriots, but also citizens of other countries.

A small introductory lecture and immediately brisk step into the forest to explore the national Park! Ahead of a fascinating journey of several kilometers. The guide tells about the diversity of the local flora and fauna. After all, only in Primorye - leopards, tigers and bears roam among the trees, some of which grow only in the harsh climate of the North, and others exclusively in the hot tropics.

Guide: "we have a legend that explains the diversity of our nature. When God sowed the planet, he poured out seeds on every continent, intended only for this continent. And when he found out that the Primorsky territory was not sown, he just turned out all his pockets and poured the seeds here. And now because of this in our territory grow representatives of the flora of southern and Northern latitudes. Such as cedar and Amur grapes".

Sergey Stanchik, correspondent: "the national Park Trail is one continuous interactive encyclopedia. Here, for example, on this patch is proposed to collect a kind of puzzle. Determine which plant which correspond: flower, leaf and fruit. And this stand presents a variety of tree trunks. Perhaps the most interesting is the Amur velvet it has a unique soft bark. From which, by the way, at one time in Primorsky Krai wine jams were made."

Every year the number of excursion routes increases. The flow of tourists is also growing. The national Park counted the number of guests last year.

Anna Utitskikh, leading specialist of the Department of environmental education of land of the leopard: "there were about three thousand visitors. About five thousand this year. It is difficult to make forecasts now. But nevertheless, we expect next year, 2019, about seven thousand visitors."

Take a stroll on the paths leopards and tigers come not only to our fellow citizens. Guides are already used to frequent visits of foreign guests.

Ivan Schornikov, Methodist of Department of environmental education of the fgbi "Land of leopard": "Steadily once a month, some foreigners come in. Mostly it is, of course, the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese. Many representatives of Germany and America. I used to drive tourists from South Africa. It was an elderly couple, they were already retired and decided to travel the world. And somehow they found our national Park here in the East of our country. And apparently wanted to visit him."

Most foreigners come to the national Park in summer or autumn. They admit that they are fascinated by stunning views of untouched far Eastern nature.

