Primorye is preparing to take the torch relay of the World Winter Universiade

Primorye is preparing to take the torch relay of the World Winter Universiade

Next week, a large-scale event will take place in Primorsky Krai: on November 24, Vladivostok will take on the torch relay of the XXIX World Winter Universiade.

As reported by the Primorsky Krai Administration, the Student Games will fire on the streets of Vladivostok and the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University by 20 Primorye residents - winners of the torchbearers competition, who achieved outstanding results in sports, culture, education and science, social activities and other fields. Together, they will overcome more than six kilometers.

Yekaterinburg will pass the baton to Vladivostok, and from Primorye the fire of the Universiade-2019 will go to Irkutsk. Primorsky Krai - the only one of the regions of the Far East will accept the symbol of the Student Games. For residents and visitors will be organized a festive concert program.

Note, the fire of the Universiade-2019 was lit on September 20 in Turin, Italy, where in 1959 the first Games among students took place. As part of the international stage, the torch relay took place in the capitals of the Games of the past years - Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) and Harbin (China).

