On 30th of October the head of the region met with employees of the Far Eastern Energy Company.
Those who attend the meeting could ask Oleg Kozhemyako their personal questions.
High-quality power supply is the key to successful development of the region.
In Primorye this major industry should to be modernized. Oleg Kozhemyako discussed problems and prospects with employees of the Far Eastern Energy Company.
The meeting participants could communicate directly with the head of the region. Most of the questions concerned road traffic problems. Oleg Kozhemyako promised that the number of public transport will be increased.
The problem of Vladivostok traffic jams will be solved very quickly.
At the end of the meeting Oleg Kozhemyako informed the participants that he considered the solution of social issues to be his priority task. And the development of the region depends on the quality of life of the Primorye.